Mole Control

Mole Control

Mole Control

When your once-pristine lawn becomes a maze of tunnels and mounds, it’s time to address the unwelcome guests that have taken up residence: moles. These little animals can cause extensive damage to your yard, turf, and garden. This comprehensive guide shows you the best ways to control moles, identify the different species and protect your property from further damage by hiring a pest control company near you.


Identifying and Understanding Moles

Before attempting to control moles, it’s essential to know the enemy. Moles are small, burrowing mammals with cylindrical bodies, velvety fur, and powerful front limbs that enable them to dig through soil quickly. They spend most of their lives underground, where they create intricate tunnel systems to search for their primary food source: insects and earthworms.

Recognizing Mole Damage

The most visible evidence of mole infestations are the raised ridges and mounds of soil they create as they tunnel through your yard. Their tunnels can cause grass to wilt or die, leaving unsightly dead patches throughout your property. Additionally, moles’ foraging activities can also lead to the inadvertent uprooting of plants and the creation of soft, uneven ground.

Common Mole Species

There are several mole species found throughout the world, but the three most common ones in North America include the Eastern mole, the star-nosed mole, and the Townsend’s mole. Each species has its unique characteristics, but all can cause significant damage to your yard.

  • The Eastern mole is the most common and widely distributed mole species in the United States. It is around 5 to 7 inches in length, with a pointed snout and powerful forelimbs for digging. This species prefers loose, moist soil, making lawns and gardens perfect habitats.
  • The star-nosed mole is easily recognizable by its unique, fleshy, star-shaped nose. It is slightly smaller than the Eastern mole, measuring around 4 to 6 inches in length. This mole prefers wetter habitats, such as marshes and wet meadows.
  • The Townsend’s mole is the largest mole species in North America, measuring up to 9 inches in length. It is found mainly in the Pacific Northwest and prefers moist, well-drained soils.


Methods and Techniques For Mole Control

The subterranean lifestyle of moles makes them difficult to detect and control, leading many property owners to seek the assistance of pest control experts to rid their yards of these burrowing pests. But which methods and techniques are used by professionals to fight effectively against mole infestations?

Identifying Mole Presence and Assessing Damage

Before beginning any mole removal efforts, it is essential to confirm the presence of moles. Moles create two types of tunnels: shallow feeding tunnels and deeper nesting tunnels. The presence of raised ridges and mounds of soil, known as molehills, are clear indicators of mole activity.

The first step in addressing a mole problem is determining the extent of the infestation. This can be done by examining tunnels and molehills, as well as any additional signs of mole presence, such as damage to plants or other vegetation. Understanding the scope of the issue will help pest control experts develop a tailored strategy for mole removal.

Trapping: The Most Effective Method for Mole Control

Trapping is considered the most effective method of mole control, as it allows for the removal of the pest without the use of potentially harmful chemicals. There are a variety of traps available, each designed to target moles in different ways. The three main types of mole traps used by professionals include:

  • Scissor traps: These traps are designed to be placed in active mole tunnels and are triggered when the mole pushes up against the trap’s trigger plate, causing the scissor-like jaws to close and capture the mole.
  • Choker loop traps: These traps consist of a loop that tightens around the mole’s body when the trap is triggered. They are placed in an active tunnel, and the loop is designed to close quickly and securely when the mole ventures into the tunnel and disturbs the trigger mechanism.
  • Harpoon traps: These traps are equipped with sharp spikes that are activated when a mole moves through the tunnel, impaling the pest. Harpoon traps are often used in situations where moles are causing damage to lawns or other grassy areas.

Pest control experts will carefully select and deploy the appropriate trap type(s) based on the specific characteristics of the infestation and the surrounding environment. Proper trap placement, regular inspection, and maintenance are essential to ensure success in capturing moles.

Baiting: An Alternative to Trapping

Baiting is another technique employed by pest control companies to eradicate moles from a property. However, it can be less effective than trapping due to moles’ picky eating habits. Moles primarily feed on earthworms and other soil-dwelling insects, and they may not be enticed by bait products. Nevertheless, some mole bait products are designed to mimic the taste and texture of earthworms, making them more appealing to moles. Poisonous mole bait is typically placed in active tunnels, where the mole is likely to encounter and consume it. The effectiveness of baiting is highly dependent on the mole’s feeding habits and the palatability of the bait product.

Repellents: A Preventative Measure

Repellents can be used as a preventative measure to deter moles from entering a property or to encourage them to leave a particular area. These products are generally applied to the soil and work by creating an unpleasant environment for moles. Common active ingredients in mole repellents include castor oil, which is believed to interfere with the mole’s ability to digest food, and capsaicin, which irritates the mole’s sensitive nose and eyes.

While repellents can be helpful in some situations, they are generally not as effective in eliminating a mole infestation as trapping or baiting methods. They may also need to be reapplied regularly to maintain their effectiveness.

Exclusion Methods

Exclusion methods involve creating physical barriers that prevent moles from entering specific areas. This can be particularly useful in protecting gardens, flower beds, or other valuable landscaping features from mole damage. Common exclusion techniques include burying hardware cloth or other durable materials around the perimeter of the area to be protected, or installing specially designed underground fencing.

While exclusion methods can be effective in preventing moles from accessing specific areas, they are not always practical or feasible for large-scale mole control. Additionally, exclusion techniques alone may not address an existing mole infestation.

Use of Castor Oil for Mole Control

Castor oil is a natural, non-toxic substance that has been found to be effective in repelling moles from yards and gardens. When applied to the soil, castor oil creates an unfavorable environment for moles, as it interferes with their ability to digest food. This forces them to search for a more suitable habitat, ultimately driving them away from the treated area.

Pest control experts mix castor oil with water and a small amount of liquid detergent to create a solution. This solution can then be applied to the affected area using a garden sprayer or watering can.

While castor oil can be an effective way to rid moles from a yard or garden, it may not be the best solution for everyone. It is generally considered a temporary measure, as moles may eventually return once the castor oil has dissipated. Additionally, castor oil treatments may not eliminate an existing mole infestation, but rather move the moles to a different area.

Flooding Mole Tunnels: A Deterrent Technique

Flooding is another technique used by pest control companies to deter moles from a property. This method involves filling their tunnels with water, forcing the moles to evacuate and seek shelter elsewhere. Flooding is most effective when used in combination with other mole control methods, such as trapping or baiting.

To flood mole tunnels, experts locate the main tunnel by examining the molehills and following the raised ridges. Once the main tunnel is identified, they insert a garden hose into the tunnel and turn on the water. Water has to flow for at least 15-20 minutes, or until the tunnel is thoroughly flooded.

While flooding can be a helpful deterrent, it is not a foolproof solution. Moles may eventually return to the area once the water has drained or may simply relocate to another part of the property. Flooding is best used in conjunction with other mole control methods for optimal results.


A Comprehensive Approach to Mole Control

The most effective way to rid your property of moles is to implement a combination of the methods and techniques discussed in this guide. Pest control companies will develop a tailored strategy based on the specific needs of the situation. This may include trapping, baiting, repellents, exclusion, and other methods such as castor oil treatments or flooding.

By using a comprehensive approach to mole control, property owners can effectively address the issue while minimizing the risk of further damage to their lawn or garden. Regular monitoring and maintenance, along with preventative measures, can help ensure that mole populations remain under control and that your property remains free of these troublesome pests.

If you want to find a pest control company in your city to solve a commercial or residential mole problem, please go to this page.