Termite Control

Termite Control

Termite control

Termites are considered one of the most destructive pests for homeowners. These wood-eating insects can cause significant structural damage to your home and can be difficult to detect until it’s too late. In this comprehensive guide, we will cover everything you need to know about termites, their behavior, and how to effectively control and prevent infestations in your home.


Understanding the Types of Termites

Knowing the type of termite you are dealing with is crucial for effective pest control. In the United States, there are three main types of termites: subterranean, drywood, and Formosan. Each type has unique characteristics, behaviors, and preferred habitats, which we will discuss below.

Subterranean Termites

Subterranean termites are the most common and destructive type of termite in the United States. They live in large colonies underground and build mud tubes to access the wood in your home. These termites require constant contact with soil, making them more likely to infest homes with wood-to-ground contact or structural issues that allow them access to your home’s foundation.

Drywood Termites

Unlike subterranean termites, drywood termites do not require contact with soil to survive. They infest and live directly in the wood, causing damage by creating tunnels and consuming the wood’s cellulose. These termites are usually found in warmer climates and can infest any wood structure, including furniture and wood trim in your home.

Formosan Termites

Formosan termites, a subspecies of subterranean termites, are known for their aggressive behavior and massive colony sizes. They are also called “super termites” due to their ability to cause extensive damage in a short amount of time. Formosan termites are not as common in the United States but are still a concern in some southern states.


Signs of Termite Infestations

Early detection of termites is vital to minimize the damage and control the infestation. Here are some common signs of termite infestations in your home:

  1. Mud tubes: Subterranean termites build mud tubes to travel between their underground colony and the wood in your home. Look for these tubes on your home’s foundation, walls, or crawl spaces.
  2. Discarded wings: When termites swarm to find a new colony location, they shed their wings. If you find piles of wings near windows, doors, or other access points, it could indicate a termite infestation.
  3. Wood damage: Termites eat wood from the inside out, so it’s not always easy to spot the damage. However, if you tap on a wooden structure and it sounds hollow, it could be a sign of termite damage.
  4. Blisters in wood flooring: Subterranean termites can damage your wood floors by feeding on the subfloor, causing the flooring to appear blistered or swollen.
  5. Frass: Drywood termites create small holes in the wood to push out their feces, called “frass“. Look for small piles of frass near infested wood.


Methods Used by Pest Control Companies to Get Rid of Termites

Pest control companies employ a range of techniques and methods to eradicate termites and prevent future infestations. Some of the most effective strategies used by professionals include: chemical treatments, soil barriers, baiting systems, and physical barriers.

Chemical Termiticides for Targeted Termite Control

Chemical termiticides are a common and effective method employed by pest control companies to eliminate termites from a property. These chemicals are specifically designed to target termites, either through direct contact or ingestion, and are typically applied in areas where termites are known to be active or where there is a risk of infestation.

There are two main types of chemical termiticides: repellent and non-repellent. Repellent termiticides create a barrier around the treated area that termites are unable to penetrate. This forces the insects to search for a new entry point, effectively redirecting them away from the treated area. Non-repellent termiticides, on the other hand, are undetectable by termites, allowing them to unknowingly pass through the treated area and transfer the chemical to other members of their colony. This transfer effect can lead to the eventual collapse of the entire colony.

A professional termite control company will determine the most suitable chemical termiticide for a specific infestation, taking into consideration factors such as the species of termite, the location and extent of the infestation (and any potential environmental concerns).

Soil Barriers for Long-lasting Termite Prevention

Soil barriers are another effective method of termite control used by professionals . These barriers involve the application of a termiticide to the soil surrounding a building or structure, creating a protective barrier that prevents subterranean termites from accessing the wood within. Soil barriers can be established during the construction of a new building or retrofitted to an existing structure.

There are several advantages to using soil barriers for termite control. Firstly, they provide long-lasting protection as the termiticide remains active in the soil for several years. This makes them an ideal choice for buildings located in areas with a high risk of termite infestation. Secondly, soil barriers can be used in conjunction with other termite control methods, such as baiting systems, to provide an even more comprehensive approach to termite prevention.

However, it’s essential to note that soil barriers must be applied by a licensed pest control professional to ensure proper installation and compliance with local regulations.

Baiting Systems for Targeted and Eco-friendly Termite Control

Baiting systems are an increasingly popular termite control method, offering an environmentally friendly alternative to traditional chemical treatments. These systems consist of strategically placed bait stations around the perimeter of a property, which contain a cellulose-based material treated with a slow-acting termiticide.

Termites are attracted to the bait stations and consume the treated material, which they then share with other members of their colony. Over time, the termiticide spreads throughout the colony, eventually leading to its collapse. This targeted approach ensures that only termites are affected by the treatment, minimizing the impact on non-target organisms and the surrounding environment.

Baiting systems can be used as a standalone termite control method or in combination with other techniques, such as soil barriers. Pest control companies will typically monitor the bait stations regularly, replacing the bait as needed and assessing the progress of the treatment.

Physical Barriers for Termite-proofing Structures

Physical barriers are a non-chemical approach to termite prevention, designed to block termites from gaining access to a building or structure. These barriers are particularly useful during the construction phase of a new building, as they can be incorporated into the design from the outset.

There are several types of physical termite barriers, including stainless steel mesh systems, graded stone particles, and termite-resistant building materials such as concrete slabs and treated wood. These barriers work by either preventing termites from entering a structure or by deterring them from attacking the wooden components within.

While physical barriers can provide an effective first line of defense against termites, they are not foolproof and may still require supplementary treatments, such as chemical termiticides or baiting systems, to ensure complete protection.

Fumigation and Heat Treatments for Extensive Termite Infestations

In cases of extensive termite infestations, particularly with drywood termites, pest control companies may opt for fumigation or heat treatments as a more aggressive approach to rid termites from a property. These methods are particularly effective when dealing with widespread infestations that have penetrated deep into the structure of a building.

Fumigation involves sealing off the infested structure and releasing a pesticide gas, such as Vikane or Zythor, which penetrates the wood and effectively eliminates the termites within. This process requires the occupants of the building to vacate the premises for a specified period, usually between 24 to 72 hours. While fumigation is highly effective at eliminating termites, it does not provide long-term protection against future infestations.

Heat treatments are a non-chemical alternative for treating drywood termite infestations. Pest control professionals use specialized equipment to raise the temperature within the infested structure to lethal levels for termites, typically between 120°F and 140°F. This method is particularly useful for treating localized infestations within furniture or other wooden items and has the advantage of being more eco-friendly compared to chemical methods. However, like fumigation, heat treatments do not provide long-term protection against future infestations.

Both fumigation and heat treatments should be carried out by a licensed pest control professional to ensure the safety of the occupants and the effectiveness of the treatment.


Preventing Termite Infestations

It’s much easier and cost-effective to prevent termite infestations than to treat them. Here are some primary steps to keep your home free from termites:

  1. Eliminate wood-to-ground contact: Ensure there is no direct contact between the wood structure of your home and the soil. This helps prevent subterranean termites from accessing your home.
  2. Seal cracks and entry points: Inspect your home’s foundation, walls, and windows for cracks or gaps, and seal them to prevent termites from entering your home.
  3. Reduce moisture: Termites are attracted to moisture, so make sure your home is well-ventilated and fix any plumbing leaks promptly.
  4. Regularly inspect your home: Regularly inspect your home for signs of termite infestations, paying close attention to areas where termites are most likely to be found, such as crawl spaces, attics, and wooden structures.

By understanding the different types of termites, knowing the signs of infestations, and implementing effective control and prevention measures, you can protect your home from these destructive pests. Don’t wait until it’s too late! Be proactive in your termite prevention efforts and keep your home safe and sound.


The Importance of Regular Termite Inspections

Regular termite inspections are essential for early detection and prevention of termite infestations. By identifying signs of termites early, you can minimize the damage they cause and potentially save thousands of dollars in repair costs. A professional termite inspection should be conducted at least once a year, or more frequently if you live in an area with a high risk of termite activity.

If termites are found during the inspection, the pest control company will recommend appropriate treatment options, such as soil treatment, wood treatment, bait systems, or professional pest management. Additionally, they can provide guidance on preventative measures to keep your home pest-free in the future.